Product ID: 154

Variable Annuity 


Enrollment and Questions

Use the following contact information to enroll or ask questions.

(800) 842-2252
Mailing Information  Address:
P.O. Box 1268
Charlotte, NC 28201
Questions about enrollment?
View the Contact Information tab on the Vendor Details page for a list of office locations.

There are a variety of investments available at TIAA-CREF. The investment choices vary per employer. Please contact the TIAA-CREF enrollment Hotline at 1-800-842-2888 with questions or log in to enroll on-line using the access code provided by your employer. Our general web address is: Please use the following weblink for on-line enrollment: Your employer may also request that you utilize on-line or paper salary reduction agreements for your payroll reduction. In addition, Roth 403(b) products may be available – this also varies per employer.

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The minimum distribution option is an available choice. Our consultants will work with you to come up with the most appropriate income options(s) to fit your needs.
There are several options available for Joint and Survivor Annuities. Our consultants will work with you to come up with the most appropriate income options(s) to fit your needs.
There are several options available for Life Annuities. Our consultants will work with you to come up with the most appropriate income options(s) to fit your needs.
There are several options available for Life annuity with a guaranteed period. Our consultants will work with you to come up with the most appropriate income options(s) to fit your needs.
Lump sum withdrawals are available. Our consultants will work with you to come up with the most appropriate income options(s) to fit your needs.
Period Certain (or fixed annuities) are available. Our consultants will work with you to come up with the most appropriate income options(s) to fit your needs.
other options are available as well:
There are a few other unique options available within our plans. Our consultants will work with you to come up with the most appropriate income options(s) to fit your needs.

All 403(b) products contain fees. The amount of fees varies greatly depending on the product. A slight increase in fees can substantially reduce the growth in your account which will reduce your income in retirement. To learn more about the impact of fees, and the different types of fees please refer to the Explanation of Fees piece located in the Help & Resources.


0.01% - 1.00% At the time funds are invested Range of Possible Percentages No No No


Fixed Investment Options

Variable Investment Options

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