Retirement Advantage
Product ID: 249

Mutual Fund 

1 Years / 0.00%
Roth Eligible

Enrollment and Questions

Use the following contact information to enroll or ask questions.

(844) 895-0980
Mailing Information  Address:
1 Horace Mann Plaza
Springfield, IL 62715
Questions about enrollment?
View the Contact Information tab on the Vendor Details page for a list of office locations.

Retirement Advantage is an open architecture 403(b)(7) program consisting of mutual funds and a Horace Mann Fixed Annuity. The program offers an unbiased selection of over 100 institutional mutual funds from over 30 mutual fund companies, selected by an independent third-party investment management firm. Plus, the program provides investors with full and transparent disclosure of the program fees and expenses. The selected mutual funds are non-proprietary and do not include 12b-1's or any revenue sharing with Horace Mann or Horace Mann Investors Inc. Dollar Cost Averaging and Asset Rebalancing are offered. This product may not be available in all school districts.

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Advice is provided through our new best interest advice model.
The investment options available through the Retirement Advantage open architecture product do not include any 12b-1 fees or revenue share. The mutual funds are all 'no load' options.
SDBA offered through TD Ameritrade
The Rebalancing feature allows for automatic reallocation between any number of investment options, and participants can elect to have their accounts rebalanced to a defined asset class mixture on a set frequency using whole percentages.
The dollar cost averaging feature enables the participant to systematically transfer a certain dollar amount from one investment option into one or more selected investment options on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually).
Unlimited but subject to market timing rules of the funds. The Horace Mann Group Unallocated Fixed Annuity has a restriction on transfers to competing funds.
he Horace Mann Stable Value Solution allows for contributions to a fixed interest account with a guaranteed minimum interest rate. This is one investment option in the platform.
Loans are available. Horace Mann will review the plan document to determine if the plan allows this provision. If loans are permissible, eligibility rules are based on the individual investment loan provisions.
Hardship withdrawals are available. All plan hardship requests are reviewed based on the terms and conditions of the plan document and applicable IRS rules.
Required minimum distribution services are available. In order to comply with U.S. Treasury Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) regulations, participants are required to take a distribution of at least the minimum amount required by April 1 of the calendar year following the year age 72 is attained or the calendar year in which the participant retires (whichever is later).

All 403(b) products contain fees. The amount of fees varies greatly depending on the product. A slight increase in fees can substantially reduce the growth in your account which will reduce your income in retirement. To learn more about the impact of fees, and the different types of fees please refer to the Explanation of Fees piece located in the Help & Resources.


$35.00 Annually Flat Dollar Amount Yes No No
Fee Waiver
This fee may be waived or reduced in certain group contracts.

1.25% Annually Percentage of Annual Assets Yes No No
Fee Waiver
This fee is only applied against the mutual fund value. This fee may be waived or reduced in certain group contracts.

Surrender Charges

Surrender Period* Surrender Percentage
1 0.00%

*Expressed in contract years

Exceptions to the Surrender Charge:
Other Restrictions:
No surrender charges apply to this product

Funding Options

Fixed Investment Options

Variable Investment Options

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